Your Beloved's Ashes

You have your beloved's ashes


You've probably explored some of the options for memorialization. These days there are so many ways to include your person or your pets ashes in a memorial piece. There are tattoos, paintings, pottery glazes, fabricated rocks, colourful glass jewelery, vinyl records, shot into space, added to fireworks; there are seemingly endless possibilities. We invite you explore a quieter, gentler option.

A natural earth-friendly handcrafted wooden ring.


Remembering our loved ones

I keep special containers of my own beloved's 'bones'.  They are beautiful and sacred to me. Their ashes are a touchstone of what was once their earthly vessel. Some people may not even want to look at the cremated remains of their loved ones.  It can be so hard and it’s a shocking affirmation of the reality of the death.

One of the things I love about cremated remains is that we can keep them as long as we like. We can scatter them tomorrow or decades from now. We can choose to have them buried, buried with us, or cast with our own ashes into the ocean or into the wind.

A tiny bit of cremated remains can be inlaid in a hand crafted Touch Wood Ring. To keep our beloved close. Wrapped in the warmth of wood.

And there is no rush.

There is no time limit to love or grief.

Do what feels right for you.

Come on in and have a look around.

How to get started

Reach out to have a quiet conversation or start by browsing our website and social media for ideas on different woods and designs.

We have lots of helpful information on our Memorial Ring website

and our Touch Wood Rings website.

And we will walk you through the process. At your own speed. In your own time.

A man holding a wee babe with both hands and looking at the baby with so much love. The dad is wearing the Touch Wood Ring that holds their first child's ashes.

Holly commissioned a Touch Wood Memorial Ring for her dear old cat in November 2022. This is her ring and what she wrote to us.

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